LEGO launches online safety campaign

July 23, 2020

LEGO has launched an online safety campaign called Small Builds for Big Conversations to help parents tackle internet safety related issues

LEGO launches online safety campaign

The LEGO Group have launched an online safety campaign called Small Builds for Big Conversations.  It is hoping parents will use the platform to discuss online bullying, screen time, phishing, stranger danger, privacy and in-game purchases.

The campaign uses statistics from a research study produced late last year by IT security giant Kaspersky.  In the study they reported that 84% of parents are worried about their child’s online safety but aren’t taking the time to talk about it.  The research also found that on average parents spend 46 minutes talking about online safety with their children during their entire childhood.

“ As a parent I know it’s not always easy to talk to your children about being a good digital citizen in a way they understand, as they are often influenced by peer pressure and exciting digital experiences. We have a long history of creating safe digital play experiences for kids, so we wanted to give parents the confidence to connect with their children on this important topic… ” Anna Rafferty, Vice President Digital Consumer Engagement, LEGO

The process involves three steps:

  • Choose an online explorer from the following choices: The Giggler, The Multiplayer or The Chatterbox.
  • Discuss what your children like to do online
  • Select one or more ‘watch-outs’ to stimulate conversation e.g. The Oversharer, The Coin Guzzler, The Meanie, The Chameleon, The Big-Eyed-Monster or The Scambot.

The content has been designed in line with UNICEF digital safety guidelines.

“ Spending time with parents and talking openly about experiences on the internet is key to keeping children safe and happy online… ” Andrew Mawson, Chief of Child Rights and Business, UNICEF

More information on the LEGO Small Builds for Big Conversations program can be accessed here:

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