November 28, 2020
Having launched in Honduras and Costa Rica, VR EdTech firm Pixdea is now expanding across Latam

VR EdTech firm Pixdea is planning to continue its expansion across Latam in the coming years. With headquarters in Costa Rica, it also operates in Honduras and Chile and is currently planning to enter the Mexican market.
Pixdea is in the process of raising seed capital having reached the final of the Seedstars Global Competition 2020. This followed having won first place in the Seedstar Costa Rica round. Pixdea was also a finalist in the IDB PLAY competition organised by the Inter-American Development Bank.
Pixdea offers a range of virtual reality solutions including virtual tours and immersive learning environments. Its current list of content titles include:
– Covid-19: An immersive environment where students can learn about the Covid-19 virus and how we can protect ourselves from catching the virus
– Recycling: Students view the damage caused by pollution and explore options for reducing the impact of pollution
– The Solar System: An immersive environment in which students can role play being an astronaut and explore the planets
– Latin American Geography: Students can learn about the countries and capitals of Latin American through a TV Quiz simulation
Pixdea reports that over 8000 students have experienced its virtual reality solutions. It charges schools an annual membership of $60 per student. As well as continuing its expansion into new markets, it is hoping to develop its user base in Costa Rica through a partnership with Racsa, a state internet service provider.
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“ We tested this first project in private schools in Costa Rica and it was very well received. The feedback from the children was very good. They told us that they really liked learning this way. Other content we have is the cellular world, the Mayan world and putting together the world map… In education there is a huge business; specifically developing a program so that schools can have their own virtual reality classroom. We have signed contracts for $ 200,000 and the purchase intentions total over $ 400,000…Xavier Rubio, founder of Pixdea