June 9, 2021
The Swedish EdTech Industry is working alongside EDUCATE Ventures to release a pilot this autumn as part of the launch of the first ever research driven Swedish EdTech accelerator

The partnership aims to provide better digital products to students, educators and schools and, in time, to develop a Nordic hub for evidence-based EdTech in collaboration with EDUCATE.
Professor Rose Luckin, director of EDUCATE Ventures said: “We are thrilled to be collaborating with Swedish colleagues to find out how best we can progress effective and robust EdTech development. This cooperation moves our company into the international sphere and strengthens its reputation as the leading research-led accelerator globally.
“It is important that we all learn from each other in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and the increased in EdTech us around the world, and this is an ideal opportunity to do so.”
The collaboration with EDUCATE Ventures will link the Swedish education and EdTech sectors with world-class research, to ensure that the resources being used are of high quality, are effective and fit for purpose.
Dr Becky Sage, EDUCATE’S director of acceleration, said: “This is our first international collaboration and we’re excited to work with Swedish Edtest, whose programme is already doing great work in bringing together EdTech companies with educators. Our work compliments what they are doing.
“Using the EDUCATE acceleration methodology we can add value to Swedish EdTech enterprises by helping them develop evidence-informed EdTech alongside educators, providing connection across the education ecosystem.”
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Hanna Elving, who leads Swedish Edtest, which has 13 partners comprising some 700 preschools and schools, will be running the pilot. She said: “For us in the Swedish Edtest testbed, the collaboration with EDUCATE is part of our work to develop quality in both the range of digital learning resources and their use on a scientific basis.
“Currently, Sweden lacks a context where researchers, educators and companies can meet and together drive quality and development. We aim to fill that hole and see this collaboration as a first step.”
Ms Elving said that while digital learning services have been used for decades in the Swedish education system, the research around its use and efficacy has not kept up with technological advances, and research reports quickly become obsolete.
As a result, the research cannot always be used to inform educators on the quality and effects of tech use in schools. The lack of good quality research also means teachers find it difficult to determine what is effective and high quality EdTech and have little information about the product development of EdTech companies.
Jannie Jeppesen, CEO of Swedish EdTech Industry, believes that the collaboration is a way to help Swedish EdTech companies develop evidence-based products and to take responsibility for their role in the education sector’s ecosystem.
“The collaboration with EDUCATE is a way of helping Swedish EdTech companies to not only develop evidence-based products, but also to attract capital, to grow and provide the opportunity for more people to use their products,” she said. “Innovation must benefit many people.”
Interested companies can read more and register interest at edtest.se or by contacting
Hanna Elving; Swedish Edtest, on 070 43 17 803 / hanna.elving@nacka.se
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