Online learning resources website launched by US Government

March 19, 2020

The US Government has launched a database of online learning resources to help schools plan for extended home learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

Online learning resources website launched by US Government

Facing closures across the US, schools and districts are scrambling to choose online learning resources so students can continue learning from home.  In an attempt to help parents and teachers, the US Government and the Software and Information Industry Association launched Tech for Learners, a database of 161 free and 23 discounted online learning resources.

The database is a collaborative effort between EdTech companies, non-profit organisations, federal agencies and other educational institutions to help teachers and parents locate tools that can be used during the home learning period.

The products and services can be filtered by price, grade level, product category and connection type.  A disclaimer has been added that the products and services have not been formally evaluated by either the Government or the Software & Information Industry Association.

The website includes a resources section which includes links to materials published by the following national organisations:

  • Association of American Publishers’ (AAP)
  • Aurora Institute
  • CoSN
  • Digital Promise
  • The EdTech Center@World Education
  • Getting Smart
  • EdTech Digest
  • Information Industry Technology Council (ITI)
  • Project Tomorrow

The Tech for Learners website can be viewed here:

“ Teachers and educators across the Nation will be relying on technology now more than ever… During this unprecedented time, the Trump Administration is committed to ensuring America’s educators and families have the technology tools to bring classrooms online. We are grateful to the technology and education leaders who jumped into action to launch this important resource. ” Michael Kratsios, U.S. Chief Technology Officer

UNESCO also released a list of learning resources for students around the world and are open to suggestions via email.  Most of the resources listed are free and cater to multiple languages.  The listed resources are not formally endorsed by UNESCO and can be viewed here: