September 14, 2021
With interviews, reviews, thought leadership and perspectives from around the world, we are very pleased to announce the start of a new show for teachers, The EdTech Show!

It’s fair to say that over the last eighteen months we’ve all been involved in a number of online events! Whether it’s been the lessons we’ve been delivering, conferences attending, CPD sessions we’ve run or online shows we’ve caught or even presented on.
The pandemic was a precursor for lots of activities undertaken to try and support teachers around the world. From speaking at virtual conferences around the world, such as GESS in Dubai or CPD sessions with the likes of Seneca Learning, online seminars with The Education People or the variety of shows I’ve conceived and worked on such as #UKEduStories with Bukky Yusuf and Zena Zenonos-Walker or #LearnLiveUAE with Olly Lewis – they’ve all been fantastic and well received.
Taking #UKEduStories as an example, we have had more than 100 episodes, welcomed more than 100 guests and shared timely, relevant and helpful CPD opportunities with more than 200,000 hours watched. Some, such as #LearnLiveUAE have even been shortlisted for impact in education awards.
The thing is, whilst these opportunities are fantastic in that you can:
- Attend them from your own home
- Save time and fuel
- Make a cup of coffee whilst attending
- Fit them in and around your life
…They have gotten a bit ‘samey’, and so here at Global EdTech we thought it was now an ideal time to up the ante in terms of what is offered. Add to this, where there are so many options to choose from, we thought it time to offer something a bit different, (we like to think) a bit better and still super-useful for educators around the world.
So what?
With this in mind, working alongside Ronan Mc Nicholl, my partner in Global Edtech, Bukky Yusuf, my partner in #UKEduStories and Olly Lewis, my compadre in #LearnLiveUAE; we have conceived a new monthly show, aimed at highlighting the best in edtech, whilst providing plenty of CPD opportunities and the opportunity to learn about the latest ideas, innovations and technology in education. With interviews, reviews, thought leadership and perspectives from around the world, we are very pleased to announce the start of a new show for teachers, The EdTech Show!

Starting on 23 September 2021, 7-8 pm BST, this monthly show aims to be a bit of a ‘BBC Click’ or ‘Gadget Show’ for education. With high-quality content, reviews, insights and news about the important area we all know as edtech, we can’t wait to start sharing with you!
The Edtech Show’s format
The format for the show is relatively simple. Sure we’ll be looking at some software, hardware, gadgets, robots, STEM thinking and the latest edtech updates and news from education technology.
What you’ll always have are our special reports (which is a USP of The Edtech Show), authentic voices from people with their foot still firmly in the classroom and credible, relevant, timely news, insights and perspectives from around the world, not just from our hosts, but also from those interviewed on the show.
Each show will include three featured reports with news and insights interwoven between those segments, our hosts interviewing teachers and vendors whilst reviewing the latest and greatest in edtech.
We look forward to sharing with you our first show on the 23rd of September. You’ll be able to view the show in a multitude of locations. The show will stream live on our Global Edtech LinkedIn channel, our YouTube channel and the ICT Evangelist Twitter account and will be accessible after the live stream for all to watch post-event.
If you are a PR or edtech company interested in getting involved with the Edtech Show so we can share your latest updates, news and features, please do get in touch with Ronan via