November 20, 2021
Brett discusses his new role as HP Education Ambassador to Australia and his goals in the coming months

It is with GREAT EXCITEMENT that I share with all of my brother and sister educators and all of those in the wider education sphere the news that I have recently begun work with HP.
I have taken on the role of HP’s Australian Education Ambassador. I am fortunate enough to be able to merge my passion for EDtech with my primary work. As HP Education Ambassador I will champion great digital pedagogy and share practice as together we Reinvent The Classroom.
I have devoted a large portion of my career and personal energies to supporting EDtech integration and contemporary teaching. I am so excited to be able to do this in my full-time role.
There are two significant pillars that will shape my work moving forward.
As the HP Education Ambassador to Australia, I have been charged with supporting quality digital pedagogy across the country. The support to add value to hardware supply is significant. Across Australia (and the world) HP is a dependable partner in the education industry. They want to be at the vanguard of best practices. For decades prior to the pandemic, HP has been a trusted company, now as we emerge from learning at home and enter a ‘new normal’ HP are stepping up to champion digital excellence and highlight practices that have a measurable impact on teaching and learning.
What initiatives to look out for?
The Reinvent the Classroom magazine.
A digital publication showcasing exemplar schools and practices occurring right around Australia that can be replicated in any school. This will be a source of inspiration for many teachers and school leaders.
Learning Bites
A series of short videos dealing with the topics, issues and tips that all teachers need to know about. These short bites of knowledge will be dropping each week of the Australian school year in the near future.
An RTC Australia web portal
This repository of resources will hold a treasure-trove of information and inspiration that will make every educator smile. Featured in the portal will be the global phenomenon, HP Life. HP Life is a free micro-credentialing platform that allows students and teachers to learn new skills and be recognised formally for that learning. The portal will also link to the award-winning HP Speaker Series, where industry experts discuss the biggest issues of the day. The HP Speaker Series authentically positions HP as providers of genuine thought-leadership
Get used to hearing the phrase ‘Reinvent the Classroom’.
Across the globe, HP are moving to help schools and systems Reinvent the Classroom with game-changing support and services that supercharge the impact of the HP hardware within schools and drives the digital pedagogy delivered by teachers to maximise the learning that students experience. Bringing life to the Reinvent the Classroom services in Australia is the second pillar of my work.
If your school is looking to measure transformational change of digital practices, to have professionals redesign your learning spaces or deliver cutting edge professional development for staff to enhance their digital skills then feel free to reach out and explore Reinvent the Classroom.
New to EdTech? Read our EdTech 101 guide: