Education Technology specialists NetSupport launch Classroom Cloud

August 5, 2020

Education Technology specialists NetSupport have launched a new solution to support the needs of delivering simple and effective remote teaching and learning

Education Technology specialists NetSupport launch Classroom Cloud is a cloud-based solution optimised for blended learning that is usable across a wide range of devices, platforms and locations. In response to the pandemic, Classroom Cloud was rapidly developed as a solution to the problems faced by educators when delivering remote learning.  It’s currently being trialled and adopted by schools in preparation for the new academic year.

Once set up and configured, teachers can connect to their students, regardless of location, via pre-populated class lists and see thumbnails of connected students’ devices on their screen. Teacher can then lead learning, as well as interacting with them on surveys, questions, chats and answering help requests.

Classroom cloud can be used to monitor student screens and also teachers to view what students are running in the background – giving the teacher the power to close windows or launch new windows directly on their screen. Teachers can define ‘allowed’ and ‘restricted’ lists of applications (and websites) to keep everyone on task, which is extremely valuable when everyone is physically distanced.

The aim of Classroom Cloud is to offer teachers a straightforward platform to teach, whether in school or remotely. It provides the school with a cost-effective, way of doing so: one that needs minimal on-going maintenance from technicians and minimal training for teachers.

Education Technology specialists NetSupport launch Classroom Cloud

“ There has been a transformation of focus for edtech and how it can play a supporting role to support current challenges.  As a vendor we have always embraced coproduction and being at the heart of the education community and we knew we needed to develop something completely new to work properly as a remote learning platform. has been developed from scratch with a focus on ease of use, flexibility and ease of deployment.  It removes the distance from a classroom setting but without adding complexity. It really is a virtual classroom in the cloud ” Al Kingsley, Group Managing Director, Netsupport Ltd

Classroom Cloud supports Windows, Chrome, Mac as well as (Android & iOS coming soon).  Classroom Cloud is simple to maintain and is priced at a low subscription cost for schools.

You can sign up for a free trial at

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