January 30, 2021
The University of Glasgow and Edify VR are co-hosting a Burns based VR event

The University of Glasgow and Edify VR are co-hosting a live VR event today 7-8pm GMT. The event will be presented by Dr Pauline Mackay who will provide a live interactive lecture. During the session Pauline will guide users through ‘Tam O’Shanter’, a poem written by Robert Burns. The entire experience will be interactive through the use of virtual reality.
“ Edify’s immersive technology will enable a host of relevant objects from disparate locations to be brought together and examined in the context of Burns’s most iconic poem, Tam o’ Shanter, in the environment that inspired the work, Alloway Auld Kirk, complete with the resplendent imagery of the poem. In a sense, it enables us to create a comprehensive ‘site of memory’, which is a real game changer in terms of the way we teach memory studies, and for the way people learn about the legacy and commemoration of important literary and historical figures….” Dr Pauline Mackay, University of Glasgow’s Centre for Robert Burns Studies
Edify was built by academics and combines both VR and video conferencing software. A range of solutions have been developed to target higher education, schools and the corporate sector.
RECOMMENDED: https://global-edtech.com/category/virtual-reality/
“ The possibilities for the implementation of this model in education, culture and heritage are limitless…” added Dr Mackay.
You can join the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/burns-beyond-reality-tickets-137772014805
“ During this most unusual of Burns seasons, it is very exciting to be working with a world authority and superlative educator like Dr Mackay to bring this work to life using the superpowers offered by immersive technology…VR allows teachers and students alike to go anywhere, and to do anything when you get there. Edify’s mission is to enable anybody with internet access to learn using the enormous flexibility, scope, and nuance these superpowers deliver, and we are thrilled to be continuing our partnership with the university…” Fergus Bruce, director of education partnerships at Edify.
You can read more about Edify here: https://www.edify.ac/teaching-learning/about-the-platform/