May 23, 2020
Learn@Forbes launches an artificial intelligence tool that can help create personalised learning career paths

Learn@Forbes has launched an artificial intelligence tool backed by psychology and research which can help adults create personalised learning paths. Developed by education technology services company Zovio and Forbes Media, The Forbes SmartAdvisor tool takes under three minutes to use and claims to provide unbiased insights into the professional development courses that people should follow.
The platform offers over 850 courses including micro-certificates and full courses in the following career pathways: marketing, human resources, leadership, finance and accounting, entrepreneurship, sales, communications, customer service, and project management.
The first step when using the tool involves a personality test and the user is required to select patterns from a selection of images. Following this the user is asked to choose a dream job from a list of options, including sales, marketing, finance and technology. Following this the tool requests the user to upload a resume before outputting a personal pathway plan. This plan provides a list of recommended courses and learning styles including:
Working Styles
This diagnostic is based on the work of John Holland and his work on career choices. It is based on the assumption that people fall into one of six categories: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional.
Learning Styles
Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences model is used to determine the best approach for a person to demonstrate their intelligence. The intelligences are: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic.
Personal Attributes
Attributes are listed and described in detail which aim to identify a person’s personality including classic, elegant and contemporary. The aim is for people to then use this information to make more informed career choices.
Professional Skills
This is determined from uploading a resume.
“ COVID-19 has had an unprecedented economic impact on American workers across the country…Non-degree or skills-based alternatives for education and training, like those offered by Learn@Forbes, provide an accessible, cost-effective alternative path for people to quickly gain the skills necessary to pivot toward a new job or career. ” Dhiraj Bansal, Chief Operating Officer, Learn@Forbes
More information can be accessed here: