May 6, 2021
Jaime Donally provides an overview of Twinkl Robotics, an AR and STEM app

Imagine addicting, frustrating, challenging, and exciting all wrapped up into one app! I was captivated by the Twinkl Robotics app because of the playful yet difficult challenge of building a functional robot. Not only does the robot need to work, but it also has to reach the goal at a specific location.
The UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Network have partnered with Twinkl to host a robotics competition for classroom students between the ages of 8 and 14. The competition is not currently running, however, we have access to the amazing app for “free play” fun. The app allows the user to build, develop and test the robot to navigate the terrain of Mars. Notice the components available to build the robot and image the obstacles the robot must overcome to successfully reach the target. To confirm, I have yet to create the perfect robot to reach the goal, so when I catch up on some sleep after the #31DaysofARVRinEDU, you may find me perfecting my robot. I can only imagine how much our students will enjoy this experience.
Although this app is mainly an iOS and Android mobile device app, there is an additional option to build the robot in the 3D space online. The web-based experience is building the 3D robot through the browser, however, the only browser I was successfully able to run is Safari. I didn’t take the time to update my browsers which may be a quick fix.
“Our educational system is full of innovation. When we don’t have the right supplies, we creatively use what we have to accomplish the same goal. When we get a new student who’s behind, we find a way to fit in additional teaching to catch them up. When we have an unexpected remote learning semester, we find a way to check on each of our students to offer encouragement and support. I’m always amazed at how educators can adapt to offer the best for students.”
page 28 of The Immersive Classroom
Steps to Get Started:
Download the Twinkl Robotics app
Select “AR” mode to build the robot in your room
Scan the floor to place the robotics lab in the correct spot
Build and test your robot