Logifaces: an analogue game for digital minds

Natalija Budinski discusses why it would be beneficial for students to make a shift to hands on activities such as Logifaces, which can be described as an analogue game for digital minds.   

Logifaces: an analogue game for digital minds

Games have a long tradition in education. Even a simple game can be a useful learning tool in both formal and informal learning environments. Games can be used as a means of learning problem solving strategies and as a way to motivate students to gain useful knowledge or skills. In order to be effective in education, games need to follow specific educational goals, such as curriculum requirements or learning process requirements.

I would like to introduce a game called Logifaces, a puzzle that requires one to work on or solve a logically challenging problem or task. The first paper prototype of Logifaces was created by two architects, Zsanett Benedek and Dániel Lakos in 2014. Figure 1 above shows Logifaces prisms constructed out of wood and concrete.

It was inspired by 3D modeling software that usually uses triangles. They are also called faces and they are the basic elements to create any other desired form. The game Logifaces received the Hungarian Design Award and was a finalist in a game design competition juried by Ernő Rubik, the inventor of the Magic cube. There are different versions of the game, some with or without colours and some made from wood or concrete. The game comes in sets of nine or 16 prisms. The smaller set contains seven, the bigger set ten different prisms. Each type is distinguishable through the height of the three vertices that can be one, two or three units. The goal of the game is to arrange the prisms next to each other in order to build a continuous surface without any disruptions.

As the Logifaces game consists of prisms, its relationship to geometry is evident. Solving Logifaces puzzles requires the use of certain skills: logical, strategic and creative thinking, as well as problem solving. Furthermore, Logifaces could be useful in developing spatial thinking, visualization, object movement and training mathematical skills. But Logifaces can be used in visual art education, extracurricular activities and creating an inclusive classroom.  It can also be combined with computer science and technology. Many examples of Logifaces in the classroom were developed in a European Erasmus+ project where educational partners from Austria, Hungary, Finland and Serbia developed educational strategies based on the game. In Figure 2 we can see students solving various tasks.

Figure 2 Student solving a Logiface task

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the use of technology in education increased gradually. Many studies confirmed the necessity and benefits of technology in the classroom. Due to the pandemic, contemporary education almost completely relies on technology. Students listen to lectures, do tests, work on projects, communicate online, all with help of technology. What is more, students spend lots of their free time online or using technology. So, maybe it is time to make a shift to the real world, hands on activities and games in real life settings. My warm recommendation is the game Logifaces, an analogue game for digital minds.


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