EdTech for teachers, NQTs and schools

Evo Hannan summarises the main outcomes from his recent EdTalks show which focused exclusively on how EdTech can support teachers, NQTs and schools.  

Since the shutdown of schools across many parts of the world in early March 2020, one major question needed answering. How do students continue to learn if they are not attending school? 

The answer came quickly as many leaders turned to EdTech as the main source to provide solutions. Adjusting to new technology whilst trying to teach through a screen seemed not only unfamiliar but unnatural to many educators.  

I also found I was in an unfamiliar situation. With more time at home I had an opportunity to explore and develop my own use of technology and its benefits in education. What started off as a short 3-week project turned into Ed Talks Live, an innovative live talk show offering viewers a chance to interact with thought leaders and creative thinkers from across the globe.   

On Sunday 11th October our show focused on EdTech and how it can support teachers, NQTs and schools. We were fortunate to have Craig Kemp, an EdTech specialist and founder of Ignite EdTech and Atif Mahmood, Founder and CEO of Teacherly join our show as guests together with nine educators from across the globe in the virtual ‘Staffroom’. 

You can read more about EdTech here: https://global-edtech.com/edtech-definitions-products-and-trends/

During the show we opened 2 live polls; 

1) How is EdTech used at your school? With 60% opting for EdTech being used extensively and 20% illustrating they had only begun to use EdTech recently.  

2) Which EdTech tool would you recommend? The most popular answer was Flipgrid, followed by Padlet, OneNote, Edspace, Wakelet and Belouga. 

Overall, the show highlighted many points, some of the key take aways are listed below. 

1) EdTech is a sector that is being heavily invested in.

2) Remote learning and blended learning models have existed for many years. 

3) Leaders should be utilizing more EdTech to enhance learning in schools and if used it correctly can make a large impact. 

4) Not all EdTech is expensive. 

5) There are new EdTech platforms being launched globally every month. 

One thing became very clear. Technology can provide new ways to engage with students wherever they may be, but when a teacher can use EdTech effectively, it can have a great impact on learning. 

Here is the full show:


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